Sunday, November 15, 2009
I went to the beach today :D
Just had to get our of these four walls.
Awefully sunny today but just as the sun was down,
it was freezing.
I'm sipping on a cup of tea.
haha, yeah, teas are boring stuff.
They bore me too. Oh well,
it still keep me warm at least.
I feel awefully repetitive to keep saying this,
but the stars here are amazing.
There's a place i go almost every night
just to look at them. I lie there with my ipod
and, seriously, i fear all the time, i might fall asleep.
It's something i wish to look at all the time.
Sadly it only happens after dark.
My mum wont let me out, soooo protective ;(
Sunsets are just mesmerizing.
If only i could count all the different shades of colours.
I shall share this sky with all of you,
once i get a medium to take a photograph of it.
I promise guys : D
-Loves, Yuuuuri.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
- 1. I NEVER flush the toilet bowl - The thing is, i don't flush not because i don't want to. I just..don't want to :D
- 2. I chew like a boy - ???? Don't ask. I can't even grasp it myself.
- 3. I can't sit with my legs closed - THAT right there is not a problem dear readers, i think we have the liberty to sit however we choose. Agree?
- 4. I'm filthy - HAHA, hands down i agree on that.
- 5. Biting my nails - Can't blame me, it's genetic. I got it from my dad and i play guitar, i can't afford to have purrrtyly manicured fingernails. My hand is perfectly stunning as it is with it's rotting side effects. It's what you call being specialll.
- 6. Socks - Long story short, my feet are like ice bricks. They're uber cold. So, i have socks on 24/7 which means your'e likely to find socks everywhere in my room. Be it under my pillow, in my drawer or between my books, while my mum goes assuming the reducing pairs of socks are being stolen. Logically, people would choose to buy them.
- 7. My handwriting - Aweful. I repeat, just aweful. Sorry! I can't fix that unless someone offers me a new set of arms.
- 8. Friends -Preferably having to have boys around instead of girls. Not always, just most of the time. My mum thinks i can't socialize with girls. Boo hoo :D There's just less drama around, don't you think?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
My bed was gonna be taken away.
Spent the rest of the morning on hard solid floor.
My back aches.
I've got 12 hours left on my clock and i can't believe i'm wasting my time like this. Supposed to catch breakfast with Ru Yuan but, i'm not too sure if she's willing to wake up. I'm going to school later, retrieve some newspaper article.
Meeet my bitches!
I'm going to have lunch with Yen Yi.
She's as exited as i am to see our ugly faces.
Who knew 12 hours could be so short?
After i come back, i'll have to shower, get ready.
Maybe clean the house, pack the rest of the leftovers.
I'm off at 8.
Reach about 9.
Officially goodbye Malaysia at 11.45.
It's going to be a long trip all the way to my dad's place.
Still, i get to see my brother this Sunday!
We're getting a special visit, and that's about a 7 Hour drive from Seoul.
Still worth it.
I miss Yen Yi.
I miss Sara.
I miss Sim Kuan.
I miss myself wearing a Petronas Uniform.
I miss my ugly toad.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I feel guilty. I don't know if I'd done any wrong. Still, it feels like my bad.
I remember their names & their faces.
I didn't get at least a week of my last few days here.
Not even a week and not even the week before.
They hardly ever call. Can't blame them, i never did either.
*I pick up the phone and right before i dial, i hesitate.
What if the convo gets boring?
They'd probably have better things to waste their time on.
But then again, it could be fun.
Nah, nevermind, they'd call if they need something.
But, they don't.
*Puts down the phone. Stare blankly.
Let's just try.
*Rings, some bitch goes on; " The number you have dialled is not available..."
Trust me, i can go on. I memorised what they recite. Sobs.
Gah, I'm such a loner.
I wished i could've at least spent this week with you bitches.
Instead, i met new people and went around seeking closure.
In fact, i did, just not with you.
I feel so distant.
Their presence seems to fade.
I can vaguely recall their voices.
I don't deserve the title bitch anymore.
I don't know if i still am beef.
Help me.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
You know what that means, right?

I'm not liking this AT ALL.
I'm gonna look like ghandi.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I'm running out of shampoo.
I think I'm balding.
Still, i think baldness is mucho sexy.
Someone should go bald but apparently, not an option.
I'll probably be in there for about 2 hours, or longer.
Caught flu from my mum, and i am freeezing cold now.
Went for a swim. Goggle-less.
Bumped my head a few times, haha.
No surprise there :)
My mum thinks my head is too small.
She told me to bump it a few more times and,
hopefully, fingers crossed,
My head will grow slightly bigger.
And yeah, she WAS joking.
I miss my baby.
I can't listen to anything now.
No more Gavin and no more Michael Jackson.
People there are being a bitch, told me to come on Tuesday.
But still, it's not here.
I'll have to stick to my mum's color-less, ugly piece of mp3.
Got to go.
Need to go buy some shampoo.
Like i said, i ran out.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Trust me, i am not laughing right now. Something happened to my throat today. In the beggining it was a minor irritation. Now, it's a mega disaster. I can't eat! No food, you understand me? I'll slow it down for you.
I, C A N ' T E A T.
Picture this.
Someone shoving a bag full of nails down your throat and threatening you to down it.
Yeah, that's about it.
Bitches? I need a hug. Promise you'll bring me out to dinner and get me all fattened up like a pig.
I'm pretty sure i'll delete this post some time later, kind of nagg-ish.
I thought i'd take advantage to let everyone know,
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I binged on more chocolates and downed 6 packets of jelly beans. Amazing, huh?I never, never come across anything healthy to eat in my fridge, or whatever you'd like to call that thing.
Here's the surprise. I have 3 fridge. Two gigantic ones and a minor one. Fridge one smells like it's been marinated in dog poo. Fridge 2 is empty and hollow. Fridge 3 is packed with kimchi. You might want to google that if you're not aware of what it is.
It's 10 mins to 11p.m.
I know looking at his face would appease my hunger.
Talk to him endlessly.
Be childish.
Be lame.
Be myself.
Azman, bitch, biatch, ugly fugly bitch.
I know you'd understand how I'd get when I'm hungry, right?
Tantrums and bitchy looks & glares.
Toss words at you just because I'm frustrated about something that has completely no relevance to you at all.
You're so nice, you make it easy for people to overlook your flaws. Although, physically, NOT GONNA WORK. Ha ha, I'm just kidding. Well, work on it anyway :)
I'm going to go back to swallowing more tic tacs and sink into my reverie.
Have alot on my mind, might as well get things organized.
Tic Tacs + ME.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Yeah, i surprised many, many people today.
I ambushed my school. Undoubtedly, it was very very hectic.
" JIHEE!!.."
" JI HEE..?!"
Laughs. How welcoming, right?
Anyways, i met so many people I've been dying to see. Hairol grew taller. Finally! I guess his masculine hormones are kicking in. Yen Yi couldn't let go and just hung on to me. If i moved an inch, she'd get all flustered, look me in the eye and utter, " DON'T GO! ". I'm not going anywhere, yet. Chillll :) Sim Kuan, as usual, is more than beautiful. Sara, practically screamed " Hello, AUNTIE! " when she saw my mum waiting. She still dances around like a chicken with Parkinson's disease. Ha ha.
Muthu seemed taller, healthier and gay-er. Ha ha, still, Muthu = mucho sexay.
I gave Nazri the best of greetings.
" Hey, white boy! " i screamed.
" Hey, yellow girl! " he replied.
How original :) *Laughs.
China seemed pretty exasperated, probably James. Is he getting too clingy? :) I shall declare war on Mars if he breaks your heart.
And, last but not least, he smiled at me.
A smile could make a girl's day, and it could definitely break your heart.
It's true how your crush can get you to hyperventilate. I'm so close to to passing out when he's within the radius of a hundred metres from me. Sounds a little too dramatic? Fine, maybe 90 metres :)
It's the typical girl thing.
Your head spins, palms get sweaty, legs gets shaky.
The ground tremors.
Next thing you know, you pass out.
I went shopping, again, with my mum. It's funny, believe it or not, we went shopping 5 days in a row. My mum's wallet gets thinner and thinner and POOF!, next thing you know, it's buff again.
Can you imagine? It's not impossible to get sick of shopping. I personally as a girl, admit it. I'm sick of it. I don't really want to do anything anymore.
I honestly want to go to school. I guess I'm not at all sick of the colour green just yet.
Ha ha.
ProGreen, Ji Hee.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I was getting more and more impatient as i watched my mum drove away as soon as she dropped me off. I was finally here. The stress and the anxiety i surpressed for the whole week, impatiently waiting for this day, vaporized.
I rang once.
I rang twice.
*Tense silence, begins to shake my leg.
I couldn't help it.
" BITCH! OPEN THE DOOR!! " i screamed, forcing the bell while at it.
I was so relieved to hear her sisters yell back in return.
One thing i'm positive about, her family's like a pro at welcoming others. As usual, they ran lke baboons and as usual gave me hugs and hugs again. I scurried to Yen Yi's room, my excitement just a little too obvious.
I realized that suns with faces, such in Teletubbies, do exist. Their faces were so bright. They looked like kids, smiling for no simple reason. No creases on their faces to show any signs of anger nor aggravation. They looked so innocent.
I practically plunged myself to hug them. My bitches. Who would've thought a week without seeing them could result in such desperation? Yeah, i was desperate to see them. What am i going to do for the next 2,3 years?
We went out for dinner and got ourselves fat.
We went shopping and got ourselves broke.
We camwhorred in a cubicle and got ourselves death glares.
We tried on cheong-sam;s and got ourselves invovlved with a very, very complicated old bitch who insisted we bought it.
We laughed at Indian videos and practically passed out, laughing.
Who cares right? We had fun. We laughed our asses off. I felt like we were little kids, lost in some play ground, atrracting whatever trouble we could, just to have fun. We were like " innocent " kids and it felt awesome to be one, again.
I wished i could've put the time on hold. Make that moment last longer than it should've.
I was genuinely happy. I just wanted to sit down in the middle of no where and put everything to a stop. Because with every step i took, i knew our time together was getting shorter and shorter.
In the deserted play ground, in the pitch dark, we got lost.
We sang, made a mess of ourselves, ran around like chickens, and still managed to save our innocence, just so the smile wouldn't fade. Just to have fun and be happy.
I wonder now, after all this time, why we didn't get around to do it more often. It's always an excuse after another. I guess times like this don't come so very often, do they?
YourOne&Only, ImportedKoreanBeef.
P.S, I didn't get around to spill about The Wonders of Sara's bladder. Haha, apparently, she thinks holding on to your pee for a long period of time is a talent. Yeah, she's uber talented, eh?
Friday, July 10, 2009
He's just as lazy as i am.
I'm pretty lifeless these days, stuck at home. I go shopping with my mum when all my friends are jailed in school. Yeah, they're jailed in there.
I was rummaging through my Ipod last night. Held in on shuffle and compelled my self from touching it. I can't stick to one song for very long. Too impatient. It's true, old habits die hard.
I let it flow and came across this song, Glass - Gavin Degraw. It's a shocker why it seemed so mediocre when i once happened to listen to his songs. The lyrics is amazing.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
She asked me if i was still her best friend.
I froze. Taken aback, i chose my words carefully.
" Nothings changed.." or that's what i wished.
I sighed. IN RELIEF. She really hadn't changed. We began rummaging through our memories and trust me, we were both trying so hard not to show any signs of humiliation. I miss everything we did. The more i thought about it, the lame-r we seemed, but i figured that was the point. No surprise why when i was with her, it was always exciting and enjoyable. We always knew how to have loads of fun, be it making Yin Kidd cry or simply climbing on roofs. And yeah, we really did climb roofs. In fact, it never bothered us if it rained or if the scorching sun burned our skin.
We would constantly be
somewhere sometime doing something.
It didn't matter because we had each other.
I wished nothing had changed. I wished we'd still get a chance to drive to McDonald's and eat over at your house after school and get dominion over the television to waste time on filipino dramas. I wished to be there in my so called "balcony" and wait to say good bye after swimming.
Seriously, what really did go wrong?
It's so childish to talk to you. But i know it's undeniably fun. It's okay to be childish, right? It's all right to be a kid with you. Would it hurt to laugh at a flying leaf till we hold our bellies and tear? So what if we laugh about nothing? I miss your unintentional humors and your bitchy moments. Trust me, i don't know what else to say.
I remember we sold whatever rubbish we had to students in our class to appease out hunger on RM5 chicken wings. Two fifty from you and two fifty from me. Two wings for you, two wings for me. We'll be in our swimsuits, all soaked and wet, enjoying that on a rainy day. *Laughs
I mean selling stuff from our home was fine, but seriously, you have to admit we were such rip-offs.
I miss you, Ru Yuan.
I won't be able to forget you, the password's kind of obvious.
I still can't believe you did the same thing.
Notings changed and nothing will.
Youroneandonlyfemalebestfriend, Ji Hee.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
CURIOSITY is haunting me at the moment.
Retards call it the curiosity button, once you've hit it i'd go to end to find out whatever that's missing from my knowledge. Be it interrogating or harassing. *smirk
It's funny, this guy annoys me and amuses me at the same time. Well, credits to you for spreading my youtube channel around and simultaneously multiplying my channel views. Oh and before i forget, double credits for urging others to stalk me. Words cannot, cannot, express my gratitude.
Exasperated and tired, Ji Hee
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I've still got retainers to wear for a minimum of 2 years. Sobs. Very discomforting. Who ever said becoming beautiful was easy? No pain, no gain.
I bet you , Wei Kien, is laughing your ass off, after how i've been showing it off and endlessly talking bout it. *laughs. This one's specially for you, babi.
anti-braces, Ji Hee
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Is what i can't adjust to,
Is something that's just inevitable.
I never knew that changing meant letting go.
I can't bring myself to change. And trust me, i get a whole lot more stubborn when it comes to letting go.
Exactly, 49 mins passed since i last heard his voice and it will be.
He received my endless phone calls without a hint of aggravation.
I called him.
Again and again.
For what? I don't know. All i remember is for the same darn reason. I call to say the same thing. Something, by now, would sound like nothing but emotional blabbers to his ears. He should know i truly am stuck between guilt, grief and happiness.
I'm guilty for not being there. I know, it's my fault. I should've begged harder.
I'm sad i couldn't see your ugly face.
I'm happy you'll return, but when?
I can't let go of his being here. I start off confident and gradually, my voice gets shaky and my tears betray me. The line got blurry and i doubt he heard me say ILY.
His hair is cut today and i've sacrificed mine for that. It's shorter.
I needed change.
Ji Hee
Saturday, July 4, 2009
" ILY to bits and bones.."
" Haha, me too. ILY. "
...was how we ended our convo today. It begins with it and it just so happens, it ends with ILY. She makes me cry all the time. I freaking miss that bitch right now.
You should know, i truly mean what i say to you, bitch.
You shall love me but you'll never love me more than ILY.
your lesbo Beef, Ji hee.
P.S, stop stalking me through your surveillance camera you wired at my house. Like i said, i shall call the cops. :)
Scraped knee and bruised hands.
I realized something today,
Staying alive is one thing but showering when your cut open is another.
You have no idea how much effort i put in just to shower without having to go through the pain.
My knee was no where near water and i wore gloves to shampoo my hair. * weird.
See, this is how it happened.
I met two guys today. They're just the cutest and the most adorable thing you'll see when they're together. And you can tell, they are like magnets for trouble.
I went rollerblading. Hey, i still manage to move.
Okay, i was on a slope and i couldn't get hold of the brakes, which i suppose thinking about it now, is on the right, but i mistakened it on the left.
And before i thought i was heading towards the lake water, a bike slammed onto me.
And here we go, " ouuuuuuuuuuuuch! " in union. Trust me, it was so loud, everything around us got very still and silent.
Give it 5 seconds
Maybe 10?
*stares at each other
Alright, after the pause.
*Laughs in unison.
It was just so weird and the awkwardness was vanished with our laughter. I didn't get mad nor did i start screaming, i just laughed. Their faces were so amusing. And of course, here i am, in one piece, writing my blog. I guess i wouldn't have died if i fell into the lake. Well, not literally. But the stink from the rotten water would have. I guess this is where you go,
" you saved my life! ", eh?
They helped me up, and i began talking gibberish to myself. So lightheaded.
" Look where you're going, you might end up in the water instead of me.."
" Excuse me? "
" Oh, i meant thank yoooouuuuuu.. "
I could see my parents approaching, with the sickening worried expression on their faces.
I cleaned myself, and tried my best to hide the bruises. Heh, no use. My mum began inspecting every inch of my body. Lucky for me, no more rollerblading now :)
We said our goodbyes and i began walking towards the car. And before i got on, i turned around to find them on the ground again, laughing. They looked at me and gave me a thumbs up.
Apparently, cycling just ain't their thing.
I'm back home, but i'd better start looking for plasters. They're not very pleasant to look at.
I'll be back when i'm done mourning over the absence of my rollerblades,
-Ji Hee
P.S, My braces are coming off baby! Next Monday. My brother's friends can stop calling me Ugly Betty now, Tee Hee. I should warn you beforehand, i might get a little too excited and go around kissing others. Don't forget your masks :)
Friday, July 3, 2009
I wonder what i've been after all this while.
I quit school today. Surprise Surprise. I'm moving, soon. I have so much to do on my to-do-list and i'm barely half way through. If i could lay all my thoughts out, there's tonnes of things i haven't gotten around to finish. I know what i have to do. It's somewhere there in my subconscious, just a little obscure for me to grasp. I hate how that feels. I can't sit still and i'm just so jittery every time.
It's annoying when you have so much laid before you and find yourself jammed.
I've made it through today. All the hugs, tears and the goodbyes. It's so frustrating, i want to let each person know how much i appreciate them and that i'll miss them. I can't say it to their faces, can i? I don't like drama. Emotional moments are worse. It's not really me. People know me as the girl with the infectious laughter and that stupid smile they think its sunny.
Note to self: smile smile smile, laugh laugh laugh. Just laugh like a crazy bitch. It's what i do best. Why stop now, right?
I've hurt enough people i genuinely care about.
Hairol, this one's for you.
H = hurt.
Do you still not get it? Wasn't it just so obvious?
It's not haunt, it's not hug and definitely not hump.
I lashed out at you and hurt you as much as you did me.
You have no idea how it feels. I guess you do now?
It's no use saying this now.
I regret it.
I regret everything.
Your hugs are always so warm, i didn't want to accept it.
You look at my ugly face and tell me i'm beautiful, i want to believe it.
I feel i'm wrong but then again i feel like i'm right.
Do you laugh while i do this or does this really make you tear?
Now does that clear your little curious mind? I bet your head is down the dictionary right now, searching every word that starts with the letter H. You are one of the hardest people to figure out. You get so warm it's so comforting. And you get so bitter you leave me in the cold. You PMS like a bitch and talks like a kid. Wow, you must really be some animal.
Now, i need a second to catch my breath, clear my head and let it go.
Hell yeah, i got my reward bitches.
It was big and it was warm.
His hug.
- Ji Hee
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Aku sayang mu, Anjing Betina ku.
P.S, Don't forget your safety pin.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Your perfume might still last a few more days, weeks even if i'm sparing.
I don't cry to sleep anymore.
I stopped tearing on the phone.
Emotional, but i'm pretty steady now.
Just when i think i'm getting a grip of myself,
You start to plunge.
I'm really sorry.
보고싶다, 울오빠.
It's just so crazy at times. We're either too high too speak or too emo to talk. But i love it that way, and today was one of those days where we had nothing better to do than to cam-whore during classes and talk about nonsense. It'e funny how these people find the weirdest/oddest/most random/unimaginative ( is that a word? ) topics to talk about and still
Go grab one right now and enjoy it as mych as they do :)
I can't really decide, theyre all oh so beautiful. I guess the tictacs deserve it.
Another crazy day ahead tomorrow and i must say, i'm always ready for it. Till tomorrow, ME.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
I don't know where to start. I wonder what the maid does, she doesn't want to clean. But then again, i don't blame her. I don't think anyone would have the courtesy to clean my house anytime soon. I even found my bottle of ketchup in the bathroom today and i was feeling generous enough to put it back in the fridge. What was it doing there?
I hate cleaning. Especially those that involve throwing things away. We're slowly beginning to pack our things. Clothes, valuables ( though my mum calls it rubbish regardless the expense ), my music cd-s ( i'd rather die than to lose them ) and books. And hell yeah, cleaning and Packing at the same time is just not my thing. I was told, in fact obligated, to clean my closet today. ( seriously, what does the maid do? ) It's hard to imagine how much clothes i have and still manage the sentence, " I have nothing to wear.." whenever i go out. My mum got busy, she just threw away one after the other. All i did was scream beside her, " But that one's..." / " I think i can still fit...."/ etc etc. It's not like she'd listen to me. I think i have the most number of uniforms if compared to any of my friends. Green skirts, those are the only ones my mum's so reluctant to chuck down the bin.
Which reminds me of the smelliest bugger i ever met. He's currently balding and has got a pot belly. The biggest ' creature ' i've met so far, Wei Kien. Though i call him ' wei wei ' to make him sound more gay. He's imperfectly perfect. *cheeeeesy.
I asked him a few days ago if he needed anything. I offered text books, even shoes ( he didn't exactly say no ), and my school bag. I won't be needing them anymore anyway.
He said he wasn't interested.
" Is there anything you want, bitch? "
" Yup, your skirt "
Sick, sick bastard ;p
I think i'm right. I was right all this time. He is gay. And i love him more for that. Laughs :) I miss everyone. I'm actually glad it's Monday tomorrow. That's very very very extra extra rare on my calendar. I shall get back to Ben the pig, screaming " Swine flu!!! " if he happens to sneeze again.
My house seems so silent now. I should be dancing in my bathroom listening to Michael Jackson. I guess not today. I'll get back to that tomorrow. Today, i fell in love. Its got light russet eyes. Most people might mistaken it for light green if seen under a different shade of light. It's so cute and i just couldn't let go of it. I never had so much intention to buy a pup before. I think it likes me too, it didn't seem like it disliked me anyway. It's currently two months and i'm genuinely curious why no one's bought it yet.
Isn't it just so handsome?
Gah, i swear to god, i'm gonna be back at that pet store and bring the bugger home with me even if it means hiding it under my dress. Tee Hee.
Before i stop, i want to wish my wife the biggest Happy Birthday i've given anyone. Lee Ka Hay, i love you, bitch. You're finally sixteen and i am as excited as you are to get your driving license when you're in canada. I shall visit you at least twice a year when i move, i hope.
Your wife, Ji Hee.
P.S, Don't do anything stupid till you're 18! Don't get too lusty looking at Zac Efron either :)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Guitar Shopping.
We tried this too : )
Went to shop for a new crib for my soon-to-be pet.
It's already Sunday, i have exactly 5 days of school left, from what i know. Let's just hope i make the most of it, even if it involves buckets of ice-cream and a dozen boxes of chocolates, tears or laughter. Those retards will always be retards, they'll never change. I find comfort in that, for real. Ben shall always be the pig, Sara shall always be the black-est one, there won't be a prettier Snow White than Nazri, Muthu shall always be the outer biscuits of oreos, Mimie shall always sizzle and Hairol shall keep singing " I wanna hold your haaAAaaaAAAAAaaand....,"
I'm currently addicted to, 2cm - Rie Fu. She's jap and she's got a voice i'd die to have. I'm literally falling asleep now, had a sickening long day. Maybe i'll give the song another listen. Nah, maybe twice ;p
I shall be back when my conciousness is a little less wavering. Till then, just ME.
Friday, June 26, 2009
I got a new room. It's new to me, at least.