My nose is just so different.
It's just different. Very different. Yup, youre right! It's different.
Laughs, it's a subject that's just inevitable. It seems to arise everytime my dad comes to visit. And so, this reminds me. I remember how everyone used to say i was picked up from under a bridge in some village just because i had the ugliest nose in the family household. My smug smug smug brother used to remind me all the time. I looked like neither one of my parents, more like my grandmother. Well, at least that's where i got my nose from. Why am i even talking about nose-s? It's like my second post and i'm already running out of stuff to babble about.
Well, i noticed something today. Went out to drink with dad, and trust me, The Ha's + Alcolhol = A family of CARROTS. We just turn bright red! It's genetic i guess. And i noticed we share the most disgusting of habits. It just so happens we drag our spoons when we cook porridge, Something i believe you, by reading this, won't get a hint of what i'm trying to say. Yeah, we drag spoons. Hmmph, i guess you just can't fake relashionships that involves blood. Family, family.

Now, this is me when i turn into a carrot myself : )
I've been pretty busy these days, even skipped school 3 days straight just to stay home and keep my dad company. Well, maybe that's an excuse.
I need sleep. I'm tired and i'm sleep deprived. And i thought i'd use this time to bond with him. All we do is pull on strings with picks and sing songs from the 14th century. Laughs. Then we'll grow tired,voiceless and later we pass out on the couch. It's so unfair, he always gets the comfy section. Things i'll do to be a daughter who lives up to parents' expectations. I don't think i'm that bad, am i?
This is what i/we have been doing for the whole week. It pretty much involves the same thing. Tee Hee.
Guitar Shopping.
We tried this too : )
Went to shop for a new crib for my soon-to-be pet.
It's already Sunday, i have exactly 5 days of school left, from what i know. Let's just hope i make the most of it, even if it involves buckets of ice-cream and a dozen boxes of chocolates, tears or laughter. Those retards will always be retards, they'll never change. I find comfort in that, for real. Ben shall always be the pig, Sara shall always be the black-est one, there won't be a prettier Snow White than Nazri, Muthu shall always be the outer biscuits of oreos, Mimie shall always sizzle and Hairol shall keep singing " I wanna hold your haaAAaaaAAAAAaaand....,"
I'm currently addicted to, 2cm - Rie Fu. She's jap and she's got a voice i'd die to have. I'm literally falling asleep now, had a sickening long day. Maybe i'll give the song another listen. Nah, maybe twice ;p
I shall be back when my conciousness is a little less wavering. Till then, just ME.
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