Monday, June 29, 2009
Your perfume might still last a few more days, weeks even if i'm sparing.
I don't cry to sleep anymore.
I stopped tearing on the phone.
Emotional, but i'm pretty steady now.
Just when i think i'm getting a grip of myself,
You start to plunge.
I'm really sorry.
보고싶다, 울오빠.
It's just so crazy at times. We're either too high too speak or too emo to talk. But i love it that way, and today was one of those days where we had nothing better to do than to cam-whore during classes and talk about nonsense. It'e funny how these people find the weirdest/oddest/most random/unimaginative ( is that a word? ) topics to talk about and still
Go grab one right now and enjoy it as mych as they do :)
I can't really decide, theyre all oh so beautiful. I guess the tictacs deserve it.
Another crazy day ahead tomorrow and i must say, i'm always ready for it. Till tomorrow, ME.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
I don't know where to start. I wonder what the maid does, she doesn't want to clean. But then again, i don't blame her. I don't think anyone would have the courtesy to clean my house anytime soon. I even found my bottle of ketchup in the bathroom today and i was feeling generous enough to put it back in the fridge. What was it doing there?
I hate cleaning. Especially those that involve throwing things away. We're slowly beginning to pack our things. Clothes, valuables ( though my mum calls it rubbish regardless the expense ), my music cd-s ( i'd rather die than to lose them ) and books. And hell yeah, cleaning and Packing at the same time is just not my thing. I was told, in fact obligated, to clean my closet today. ( seriously, what does the maid do? ) It's hard to imagine how much clothes i have and still manage the sentence, " I have nothing to wear.." whenever i go out. My mum got busy, she just threw away one after the other. All i did was scream beside her, " But that one's..." / " I think i can still fit...."/ etc etc. It's not like she'd listen to me. I think i have the most number of uniforms if compared to any of my friends. Green skirts, those are the only ones my mum's so reluctant to chuck down the bin.
Which reminds me of the smelliest bugger i ever met. He's currently balding and has got a pot belly. The biggest ' creature ' i've met so far, Wei Kien. Though i call him ' wei wei ' to make him sound more gay. He's imperfectly perfect. *cheeeeesy.
I asked him a few days ago if he needed anything. I offered text books, even shoes ( he didn't exactly say no ), and my school bag. I won't be needing them anymore anyway.
He said he wasn't interested.
" Is there anything you want, bitch? "
" Yup, your skirt "
Sick, sick bastard ;p
I think i'm right. I was right all this time. He is gay. And i love him more for that. Laughs :) I miss everyone. I'm actually glad it's Monday tomorrow. That's very very very extra extra rare on my calendar. I shall get back to Ben the pig, screaming " Swine flu!!! " if he happens to sneeze again.
My house seems so silent now. I should be dancing in my bathroom listening to Michael Jackson. I guess not today. I'll get back to that tomorrow. Today, i fell in love. Its got light russet eyes. Most people might mistaken it for light green if seen under a different shade of light. It's so cute and i just couldn't let go of it. I never had so much intention to buy a pup before. I think it likes me too, it didn't seem like it disliked me anyway. It's currently two months and i'm genuinely curious why no one's bought it yet.
Isn't it just so handsome?
Gah, i swear to god, i'm gonna be back at that pet store and bring the bugger home with me even if it means hiding it under my dress. Tee Hee.
Before i stop, i want to wish my wife the biggest Happy Birthday i've given anyone. Lee Ka Hay, i love you, bitch. You're finally sixteen and i am as excited as you are to get your driving license when you're in canada. I shall visit you at least twice a year when i move, i hope.
Your wife, Ji Hee.
P.S, Don't do anything stupid till you're 18! Don't get too lusty looking at Zac Efron either :)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Guitar Shopping.
We tried this too : )
Went to shop for a new crib for my soon-to-be pet.
It's already Sunday, i have exactly 5 days of school left, from what i know. Let's just hope i make the most of it, even if it involves buckets of ice-cream and a dozen boxes of chocolates, tears or laughter. Those retards will always be retards, they'll never change. I find comfort in that, for real. Ben shall always be the pig, Sara shall always be the black-est one, there won't be a prettier Snow White than Nazri, Muthu shall always be the outer biscuits of oreos, Mimie shall always sizzle and Hairol shall keep singing " I wanna hold your haaAAaaaAAAAAaaand....,"
I'm currently addicted to, 2cm - Rie Fu. She's jap and she's got a voice i'd die to have. I'm literally falling asleep now, had a sickening long day. Maybe i'll give the song another listen. Nah, maybe twice ;p
I shall be back when my conciousness is a little less wavering. Till then, just ME.
Friday, June 26, 2009
I got a new room. It's new to me, at least.